Where to Find Happiness?

Posted on February 8, 2015 by

Where to Find Happiness?

Sarah van Gelder, co-founder and editor in chief of Yes Magazine, has adapted an article from her book, Sustainable Happiness: Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference, to address what actually makes us happy? From A Brief History of Happiness: How America Lost Track of the Good Lifeā€”and Where to Find It Now:

Where to Find Happiness?

Photo by Tom Wang/Shutterstock

“In the last 100 years, we got very confused about happiness. This is no small thing. The way we define happiness drives what we do, what weā€™re willing to sacrifice, and how we spend our money and our time.”

“Sustainable happiness is built on a healthy natural world and a vibrant and fair society. It is a form of happiness that endures, through good and bad times, because it starts with the fundamental requirements and aspirations of being human. You canā€™t obtain it with a quick fix; sustainable happiness cannot be achieved at the expense of others.”

She clarifies how we got to where we are as a culture on the issue of happiness, and refocuses the conversation back onto what has been proven to endure as sources of lasting fulfillment.

These 5 components towards this goal are identified as vital and elaborated on:

  1. Stop the Trauma
  2. Create Equity
  3. Value Everyone’s Gifts
  4. Protect the Natural World
  5. Develop Well-Being Practices

To read the entire article and more about Sarah’s prescriptions for where to find happiness, see A Brief History of Happiness: How America Lost Track of the Good Lifeā€”and Where to Find It Now


Filed Under: Happiness, Health, Inspiration

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