
Whatever Happened to the Renaissance Community?

Posted on November 12, 2019 by
1 Comment

Despite the lethal combination of power, ego, and spirituality that brought the Renaissance Community to an end, most of its ex-members cherish their time there as a growth experience that made them better people.

In the Shadow of the Guru

Posted on November 5, 2019 by

Referring to himself as “the biggest asshole” in the county, a group’s spiritual teacher “told us if we could work with him and learn from him, we could deal with anyone in any situation.”

4 Building Blocks of Community

Posted on February 25, 2019 by

Start a Village “If you don’t like the way things are, Start a Village!” This was the essential message that Stephen Brooks delivered at his enthusiastic TEDx talk at Black… Read More

It Takes a Village to Organize a Mind

Posted on July 19, 2018 by

I studied psychology in high school and college, and still find it imminently relevant today. I am fascinated when evolutionary psychology can offer insight into the roots of why we… Read More

Home Funeral and Death Care Midwife Training June 15–17, 2018

Posted on April 17, 2018 by

  The Center for End of Life Transitions (CEOLT) and the FIC are proud to offer this three-day workshop on home-based end of life care and celebrations for the journey of… Read More