Communities Articles

Here is a selection of articles from previous back issues of Communities magazine. All back issues up to issue #184 are available for download here.

For more information about Communities magazine, visit its new publisher at GEN-US

Preventing “Tyranny of the Minority”

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Our consensus trainers and communication and process experts advise what to do about inadvertent “minority rule” in community.

From Eco-Kooks to Eco-Consultants

Posted on December 7, 2007 by

Ecovillages are increasingly being sought for their expertise–in wastewater treatment, environmental education, renewable energy, organic agriculture, leadership skills, communication training, and more.

When Someone Blocks Far Too Frequently

Posted on September 7, 2007 by

Our consensus trainers and communication and process experts advise what to do about “repeat blockers” in community.

Does It Really Matter What It Looks Like?

Posted on September 7, 2007 by

We asked 50 communitarians about attitudes about beauty in their communities. Did they value aesthetics in their buildings and landscape? Would they trade environmental or economic needs for beauty? their answers may surprise you.

The Meandering Paths of Arcadia

Posted on September 7, 2007 by
1 Comment

Builder and old-house renovator Alex Daniell fell in love with the charming, old-world village atmosphere of 8-year-old Arcadia Cohousing. He asks Giles Blunden, the group’s architect, how he did it.

Making New Choices, Planting New Seeds

Posted on June 7, 2007 by

In the mountains of New Mexico, Lama Foundation is making new food decisions to unhook from the fossil fuel-based agricultural systems.

Privacy and Transparency

Posted on June 7, 2007 by
1 Comment

Author: Geoph Kozeny Published in Communities Magazine Issue #135 “How many of my thoughts and feelings is it good to share, and how much can I or should I keep… Read More

Celebrating the Food Revolution

Posted on June 7, 2007 by

Red Earth Farms cofounder Alyson Ewald loves it that her rural community wildcrafts, grows, processes, ferments, pickles, and celebrates food.

Natural Building Blues

Posted on March 7, 2007 by

Natural building teacher Mark Mazziotti looks at how what could have been a stellar intern program went awry.

When Some of Us Don’t Support an Existing Agreement

Posted on March 7, 2007 by
1 Comment

Expert advice from five community process and communication consultants.

What Interns & Work Exchangers Say…About Us

Posted on March 7, 2007 by

Communities magazine asks interns, work exchangers, and residential course participants what they think of us. Do our programs deliver what our websites promise? Are they comfortably housed and fed? Do we treat them well?

Hello, Goodbye

Posted on March 7, 2007 by

Jules Pelican of OAEC in northern California examines the mutual influence of interns and community members. Is it painful to invest emotional energy in people who will soon leave? Does living in community, even temporarily, nevertheless benefit people?

Cultural Etiquette: A Guide for the Well-Intentioned

Posted on March 7, 1996 by
1 Comment

Author: Amoja Three Rivers Published in Communities Magazine Issue #90 Racism and the racial stereotypes it spawns are so subtly interwoven into the fabric of Western society that very often,… Read More