4 New Digital Books for Instant Reading

Posted on March 24, 2018 by




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4 New Digital Books for Instant Reading
by Kim Kanney, Community Bookshelf Manager

Are you ready to begin your next book? Start reading today! We have a plethora of digital resources that are literally just a click away. As soon as your order is placed, a link to a file will be delivered to your email inbox. It is that simple! And we have 4 new digital books ready for your reading pleasure.

Ready for Anything

Ready for Anything

Ready for Anything: Designing Resilience for a Transforming World by Anthony Hodgson, 108 Pages, $14

As we pass the 7 billion mark, we are currently using the resources of about 1Âœ Earths to support our collective lifestyle. But we only have one Earth. How can we design and vision one-planet living? Ready for Anything examines the kind of resilient and adaptive solutions that can be most helpful to us – whether they are applied at the level of the school, the city or the Earth. While offering a clear and honest look at the state of the world today, this book
introduces The World System Model as a new and holistic way to gain an understanding of our particular predicament and The IFF World Game as a quick and effective way of involving others in the exercise.

Local Money

Local Money
Local Money: What Difference Does It Make? by John Rogers, 64 Pages, $7

The concept of local money has been used for hundreds of years throughout the world, yet few of us understand what it’s all about. How does it work and what are the advantages? The book Local Money explores the practical differences between national and local money. It explores the benefits of creating an alternative system to national money that is largely controlled by a private banking industry that trade, gamble and invest at a risk we pay for. Learn the why’s and how’s of
creating your local economy today!

Three Horizons

Three Horizons

Three Horizons: The Patterning of Hope

Edited by Shareable, 132 Pages, $14

All too often, disagreement about how to achieve a better future leads to violent proportions. What if there was a more constructive way to address these differences? In this beautifully illustrated book, Three Horizons offers a practical way to begin such conversations about the future at home, in organizations and in society at large. Bill Sharpe introduces the Three Horizons framework as a prompt for developing a ‘future consciousness’ – a rich and multi-faceted
awareness of the future potential of the present moment – and explores how to put that awareness to work to create the futures we aspire to.

Sharing Cities

Sharing Cities

Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons
 Edited by Shareable, 277 pages, FREE!

While cities are now the world’s focal point, they are also beset with the most urgent challenges societies face today including inequality, racism, social isolation, and climate change. Not to mention that billions of city dwellers are often unable to meet their basic needs for food, water, and housing. Sharing Cities: Activating the Urban Commons showcases over a hundred sharing-related case studies and model policies from more than 80 cities in 35
countries. It witnesses a growing global movement and serves as a practical reference guide for community-based solutions to urgent challenges faced by cities everywhere. This book is a call to action meant to inspire readers, raise awareness, and strengthen the sharing movement worldwide.

Free digital copy current Communities magazine

Communities magazine, Issue 178, “Class, Race, and Privilege”

Speaking of FREE DIGITAL PRODUCTS, have you downloaded your free copy of Communities magazine, Issue 178, “Class, Race, and Privilege”?

The entire issue discusses a very important topic: the relative lack of racial and class diversity in most intentional communities. And as an experiment to see if we can offer our magazine for free by the support of our readers, we are giving it away! If you support what we’re doing, download the issue! And if you can afford to support us financially, please offer a donation so that this experiment can become permanent. Thanks!

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